Tuesday 30 September, 2008

A blast a day keeps peace away...

I am sorry for a very depressing post. Actually, the way things have been going for the last few days, I couldn't have come up with anything better. My life has been paused since the end of mid-sem. I have done nothing more remarkable than gulping down quite a few cans of Amul Coco. As always this post is also being written with the aim of me making myself feel a bit better.

Hopelessly bad as I am, I am again stuck with blabbering a bit more on the blasts, that have been carried out with terrifying regularity. These terrorists are definitely getting under our skin. We seem to have resigned. A few hours ago, when a friend brought the news of the latest blasts, the collective reply of the others was total resignation. I guess, we have started taking these blasts as daily routine. A thing we should get used to!

Everybody thinks that there is a significant probability of his/her being blown of by some bomb placed to kill some and terrorize others. The sad part is that we seem to have been caught unaware. Worse still is the fact of in this time of crisis, we find reasons to fight among ourselves instead of concentrating on our collective enemy. The common people are blaming politicians, policemen. The politicians console us and seem to be doing nothing. The police is being accused of staging a false encounter (a charge which, to my knowledge, hasn't been conclusively proved to be false!). The hooligans of all kind are making all sorts of hues and cries. Some party comes out with ideas of stricter laws. The other comes with the idea of a federal agency. Still another is busy appeasing the minorities. Religious heads come out making statements which they have no right to make!

Integrate all these different incidents over different places and time and you'll get a very very bleak picture. The regularity of these blasts must be giving confidence to the trouble-makers. Sadly, all that I do is argue, debate, accuse the politicians and write a blog. Probably you also do something equally positive. Sadly there are too many people doing similar things. Sadly the bombs don't differentiate between people of different religions. Sadly India is dying with each of these blasts.

Sunday 31 August, 2008

In the name of God

Phew! There seems to be an extended Diwali celebrations going on throughout this year. What with so many bombs going off with unnerving regularity. These death mongers have really been up to something; making my uninterested self take note of their progress. The striking feature is that the excuse (reason) specified for the mayhem is religion. Another aspect is the sheer number of occurrences of such mayhems. The aforementioned number is so huge that I can’t help questioning the need for religion(s).

To keep things simple, if one applies the ‘na rahega baans na bajegi bansuri’ proverb to the grave situation at hand and somehow takes baans(religion) out of the picture, one would be led to believe that the resulting pandemonium can be got rid of. However, the proverb is no equation; nor is the problem of any mathematical nature. (I’m sure mathematicians would argue otherwise.) Still, assuming, for the time being, the (absurd) solution to be a correct one, if I decide to declare religions null and void, as a responsible arbiter, it is my duty to delve into the coming into existence of religions in the first place. I guess such a brain-churning operation would lead to clarity with regards to the concerns of the pro-religion group(s).

From my most-likely skewed perception and line of thinking, I consider the only reason why men started worshiping God(s) is that there was far too many things that they did not understand. A possible example is as follows. Rains helped people in farming. Whenever there was lack of the same, people must have missed it. That’s when they would have looked up at the sky and hoped that it would rain. Slowly, with time, they would have started directing these hopes and pleas towards an entity which we today commonly refer to as God. With time, this would have spread to their other fields of interest also. Whenever people found themselves helpless they now had someone to bank upon. Someone to look up to. Someone to thank. Someone to blame. At different places, people would have got different ideas and they might have made different stories about the super-heroic deeds of God(s). Thus many different religions would have been born. Different in name and customs, but same (I hope) in the underlying ideas.

The above paragraph pains quite a rosy picture. Religion seems to be the most harmless thing on earth and the biggest boon to mankind. It helps you weather the storm when the going is tough. Also, it helps you keep your feet on ground in times of success. How did this boon become a bane? The problem lies in the fact that there are a few zealots with even further skewed perceptions than mine. In a country as huge as India, people have to tear down a mosque to build a temple. People want a new country so that they would not have to live with infidels. If a Hindu kills a Muslim or vice-versa, it’s taken to be an attack of one religion on another. While religion should have made ones life better/easier, sadly these zealots think that ones life should further the cause of a religion. How does one(other than the powers that be) benefit with more people/places of worship of his/her religion is simply beyond me!

I guess at a time when super-heroes are in, there needs to be some Religion-man to subdue these fanatics. Till then three cheers to killing and dying in the name of God!

Tuesday 12 August, 2008


Coldplay is “singing loud and clear”. I am all confused, consumed and lost. No-one has confused me. I am lost sitting in my room. I know I’m not making much sense. I can’t help it. I’m helpless. To be frank, I’m quite hapless too. If God will send his angels, they will shudder. I love winamp. It’s playing coldplay songs one after another. I know these people never meant to cause me trouble. I’m too tiny a being for them to be troubling me. However there seems to be a lot of trouble in this world. God, I’m damn confused! I might well be a lunatic roaming about freely just because no-one cared to take me to a psychiatrist. Someone beat an empty bottle of water against my door. I wonder who it might have been. I wonder which song was it in which the singer sang “I wonder”. There are many more lunatics roaming around freely. The song is “Lemon tree”, by the way. An excellent song! Many more; and of much worse variety! I have been reading about a McMurphy, a fellow lunatic. I’m quite a slow reader. Right now, I don’t feel like reading. I’m writing. The lunatics fight. They are all around. They find a reason to fight. There are the bigger lunatics and the smaller ones. For some fighting is killing others. For others it may be outdoing others. For others it may be solving the jumble inside head. God knows if there is anyone who is at peace. God is also reason for many of the fights. So is country. So is money. So is ones well-being. Yet another coldplay song pleads: “Everything is not lost”. It can’t be. If everything is lost there would be no more fights. India won a gold medal and lost a test series. Kabhi khush kabhi gham was a terrible movie. I liked it though. If there would be no fights, would I be happy or sad? No answer. We are all elitists and egotists. We find some valid reason for our mistakes. While for others we find the harshest of words. “What if” is another coldplay song. What if we started looking through others’ eyes? I guess we’ll start killing ourselves.